We provide 2 meals per school day to students and staff members
At Unity Christian Mission, we aim to ensure that students receive two meals per school day. Due to the high poverty rate in Liberia, some of our students and staff were going without food for up to two weeks at a time. When we began supporting the school, we started a lunch program that greatly benefitted both students and staff. The school is delighted to provide daily meals, and we have seen significant improvements in the children's health over the years. However, for some, this lunch is the only meal they receive in a day, leading to lethargy in the mornings.
Starting in 2024, we introduced a breakfast program served when the children and staff arrive at school. This addition has improved concentration and memory throughout the school day.
If you would like to contribute to the physical and mental well-being of the school community by supporting these meal programs, please click the donate button.